Warehouse management module

The Warehouse Management module allows optimized inventory management, based on the physical characteristics of the items, according to the storage policies set by the user. It is ideal for handling large volumes of items.

The Warehouse module allows you to manage warehousing processes in manufacturing, distribution and retail companies. This module has a wide range of features to support warehouse facilitation at an optimal level, at all times. Warehouse management is fully integrated with other business processes such as transportation, production, quality control, purchasing, transfer, sales and returns.

To support the physical handling of items at zone and bin level, all information must be tracked for every transaction or movement in the warehouse. This is managed in the warehouse entry table. Each transaction is stored in a warehouse register. Warehouse documents and a warehouse journal are used to record movements of items in the warehouse. Each time an item in the warehouse is moved, received, deposited, picked, shipped or adjusted, the warehouse entries are recorded to store physical information about the area, bin and quantity

Among the features of the module we list:

* It is ideal for handling a large volume of items.
* Possibility to organise the warehouse into reception, delivery and storage areas.
* Areas can be divided into compartments (rows, shelves, etc.).
* Physical parameters of each compartment can be determined (accepted weight, volume, etc.) as well as restrictions on the type of compartment (e.g. temperature, minimum and maximum quantities depending on the item).
* Different storage rules can be set and based on them the system suggests the optimal storage compartments.
* Propose pick-list on the basis of which the items are picked up for delivery.
* Allows the reorganisation of items in the warehouse to optimise picking space and time.
* Allows replenishment of bins based on predefined maximum and minimum quantities.
* Allows integration with scanning machines via ADCS (Automated Data Capturing System) technology

Cost: Reduce operational costs by automating the handling of large volumes of items.

Time: Significantly reduces the time required to reorganise the warehouse, items in the warehouse and replenish compartments.

Risk: Reduces business risk through technology and data transparency